
Embrace the Darkness [Jais & Xhen]


05-17-2013, 04:37 PM
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The sun was high in the sky and bleeding through the overhang of tree branches in the surrounding area. More sun shone through than usual for the seasons were changing. The leaves that were once green in color where painted with brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow. Half of them had already fallen from the branches and covering the earth in a brown color. The autumn light glowed on the water that cascaded down the waterfalls from the higher elevated land and into a small pool which turned into streams that flowed out through the surrounding lands. The light glistened gold and crimson, almost looking like liquid fire falling into the water below. The waterfalls created a soft roaring sound that drown out much of the surrounded sounds, but not all of them. The singing birds could still be heard in the trees, although if one were elusive, they would certainly not be heard over the sound of the crashing water.

A lone figure laid upon a boulder that was sitting on the muddy bank. His steel gray colored fur blended fairly well with the darker gray of the boulder and the surrounding area. If it was not for his long, dense coat and the fine outline of his muscular form then perhaps he could of been mistaken for a large rock. He was as still as one as well. His entire body was inert as he gawked at the falling water in front of him. After a few moments, his ears began to swivel, always alert. He had been on his own for quite sometime now, actually ever since that incident at his birth pack. He had accepted a few assassin jobs since and had gotten very nice rewards from them. He even thought about taking more jobs for other packs, but he had not conversed with another wolf for months. He had been keeping himself isolated and was travelling for awhile. He somehow ended up here at these falls in these unknown lands which he had never even heard of before. He was not too curious about them either, although he was searching for a new place to call home and create a new begining for himself. He was not sure what he really wanted to do now. He really was not sure how to act either. One thing was for sure though, and that was he wanted blood. He licked his lips almost hungrily as he gazed down from the falling water and into the small pond.

He thought about whether or not he would just be himself, even though he despised who that was. The idea gave him a sick bitter feeling, but perhaps it was time to embrace it. No, not yet he kept thinking to himself staring at the constantly moving water. He wrapped his tail around his body and pulled his legs up closer to himself. He was a medium sized wolf, perhaps a bit on the larger side of medium mostly in weight since he was more broad than slender. His body was also well built, especailly for a rogue who was on his own without the help of a pack. Indeed, he was very capable and quite strong, especially for a wolf his size.

Jais rested his head upon his paws and kept listening to the sound of the crashing water, feeling a light mist upon his face. He drew in a deep breath and emitted a heavy sigh that was loud enough to scare away any prey that may have been in the area. His eyes closed as he was soothed by the water. He did not fall asleep, but he was not very alert either. Perhaps he was starting to doze off a bit while he started day dreaming random dreams that lingered through his once empty mind.