
Daddy, do you love me?


10-08-2014, 04:33 PM

Basanti seemed keen on the idea of a large family, the idea of meetkng his blood relatives rather then just her half siblings on her mothers side. Her look of disbelief as she pulled away and gasped out the number of siblings he had was amusing and he would smile and laugh softly, eyes dancing with an amused light as his head tipped. Yes eleven. My mother had three litters in her lifetime and four pups to each litter. Her first litter had not been planned, an accidend I suppose. From it was born Friction, Luxuria, Joker and Zara. After that she met her mate and my father Maze and they had a litter. Cynrik, Stiletto, Riveria and Fenris were born there. Her last litter was not planned either, they had thought themselves too old to conceive. She gave birth to two children first, Aiden who is a hemophiliac and Io who is an albino. A few hours later your aunt Vi and I were born. Even more unexpectidly..." He explained everything, all of it that concerned her but he stopped after he was born. She didnt need to know of his upbringing. This his mother had raised him and Vi to believe she was a goddess... How silly.

She wanted it to happen, and with that smile he promised he would make it happen. If it would make her happy then he would do just that. Another smile would light up his eyes as he nodded before looking back out at the rain as it pummeled the ground in sheets. Yeah he was pretty damn done with this stupid rain too. "What are your plans Bas? What do you dream to do one day?" He asked, voice raised to try and compete with the varying volumes of nature around them. It was a question he had been dreading for quite some time, one he had not wanted to ask for so long but it was time. It would be her birthday all too soon after all and she wouldnt be his little girl.