
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38

Rune I


5 Years
10-09-2014, 12:21 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

(( Technically went over the three-day limit by a full day with this one but Dee agreed to give me an extra day so I should be alright as far as keeping it within the allotted time goes? Wanna confirm that for me, Dee? ))

Kylar seemed more prepared than Rune gave him credit for being. Rather than stare stupidly and tense in preparation for the attack, the dark colored wolf moved forward to meet him, the momentum with which he threw himself forward going into that left shoulder he aimed to hit Rune with square in the chest. There was not enough time to react, not enough time to evade, and the grey wolf practically missed the maneuver in his blind rage until he felt the contact. It momentarily stole the breath from his lungs, startled him with the suddenness of it, and caused him to dig in more forcefully with his hind legs, his body lowering slightly further into a crouch, to keep his footing upon the slick earth.

But the feel of his teeth sinking into flesh, even if it was not the face of his father as he had intended, spurred him on. Ears tucked tightly against his head, lips still drawn back with a growl and his pale eyes narrowed darkly, Rune settled himself squarely into his crouch, shoulders rolling up and forward to gather the skin and fur there as he pressed against the earth with his forepaws and braced himself with his hind legs. He aimed to draw back, releasing the bite he had made to the dark wolf's shoulder to try again for the frontal attack he had intended from the start, but Kylar had already taken measures against it. Rune had just started to shift his weight back, to attempt to align himself again with his father, when he felt his father's bite connect to the upper portion of his neck, closing around skin and fur closer to his skull and slightly off center from where it had been intended to land. Pain lanced from the punctures but the location of the bite, along the sensitive side of his neck, sent adrenaline into his veins, adding a new sort of desperation to his motives and actions.

With his choices and movements limited by his father's grip, Rune dug in with his hind legs and propelled his full weight forward against his father's chest, angling his shoulders so that the brunt of his forward momentum would be behind his own left shoulder and come slightly at an angle toward Kylar's right as he aimed to connect with the center of his father's chest. His tail remained extended, moving with him to keep what balance he possessed, though the scooping motion of his father's paw managed to steal some of it away as he attempted to keep his footing after his forward movement. With his parted jaws searching once again, Rune attempted to bite Kylar's shoulder, aiming now closer to the base of his father's neck at a slightly upward angle.


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