
Dark Horizons [event thread]



3 Years
Extra large
10-09-2014, 05:04 AM

To his complete shock it seemed that he was not about to be questioned for his trespassing. Warja of course knew him and he had met Alamea and Eirik as well though Kismet still expected some sort of confrontation from anyone else in the pack, especially Rune himself. There would not be a word cast his direction at all however and that still unnerved him slightly, unsure on whether to stay put or actually move to Warja's side as he still longed to do.

In the end as she called out to him and questioned him he made up his mind and would finally approach Warja. He moved far slower now and the nuzzle he gave her was by no means as exuberant as their usual greetings, for he was suddenly feeling rather awkward under her father's wary gaze. Perhaps he was still waiting for some sort of punishment to be cast his way, he wouldn't let such a fear keep him from his best friend's side any longer though. Honestly, could he even get himself in any more trouble, he'd already trespassed, come charging in uninvited to a pack's meeting at a rather serious time.

"I was on my way to visit, but with the storms I couldn't wait, I had to see you." He responded, voice softer now as he spoke to Warja and Warja alone. No one else needed to hear the words and until Rune chose to speak to him, Kismet decided it'd be best to simply try and keep himself quiet and out of the way. Perhaps he ought to just leave, but he couldn't bring it upon himself to do so, he'd only just got to Warja again and so the sensible option wouldn't even cross his mind.