
Paws and Claws


05-17-2013, 04:58 PM
Allaire watched the odd colored dam, her wide green eyes watching her laugh. A slow carefree smile creased the lobo's mouth, it had been a long time since Allaire was in the company of a fellow wolf and found the orange woman's smile calming. The brown girl felt like she was home again with her loving parents. Pushing down a bit of home sickness Allaire thought about Jupiter's words, she understood half of what she said, but one word confused the girl. "What is the ocean?" She tilted her head at the large dam, her eyes wide, full of curiosity and wonder lust, everything was so new to her, everything shinny and bright, everything like an adventure, there was so much more in the world then sand and sun.

Allaire bounded to a stop next to the large wolven leader as talked turned to food, again the small girls middle rumbled, demanding the nourishing substance that it needed to create more energy. She understood eating rodents and lizards, that was what she learned to hunt in her homeland, the desert did not offer large pray, or even many; so if you wanted food you had to eat what the land gave you, and what the land gave in the desert where lizards, and the rare rodent or hare. But the other things that the large alpha said confused Allaire. She learned that fish where those small slimy things that swam in the water and birds where those rare things that sometimes flew over her home but never came to the ground. How was she suppose to eat let alone hunt those two things? The fish in particular, they where nasty looking with there slimy surface and those large beady eyes. Allaire shuddered at the thought.

"I think I will pass on the fish, but I could eat a lizard or two." She licked her lips, her mouth filling up with saliva at just the thought of food. "But if we can get a hare or mouse it would be even better, I hadn't had a hare in a long time." She licked her chops, just thinking about the taste of hares. "I'm light on my feet, but I may be a bit rusty on my hunting." Allaire smiled sweetly at the large leader, her green eyes bright