
It's All Fun and Gumballs


05-17-2013, 05:37 PM
It's all fun and gumballs until sombody gets chewed.

user posted image

Meravue's pale, almost colorless eyes were now staring up at him. They never, not once lost their glint. Fear never seemed to reach her, perhaps she was just too naive, too daring to let it. She simply blinked her eyes at him and wagged her tail as he stared down at her, almost no space existed between them now. She said nothing at first, merely staring at him completely puzzled and for once not sure what to do next. She was clueless as to what his intentions were, but the one thing she did know was that she was starting to loose interest in him. She held her stance, her tail still wagging, only now she lowered her gaze and looked down at the ground beneath her.

She quickly glanced back up as he seemed to copy her. Now she was wondering if he was mocking her back. That made her angry, but only a little. Frustrated more than anything really but it faded away as quickly as it came. Her ears swiveled and her tail constantly swaying she slowly took a step back away from him, her eyes falling back down to the earth yet again. She said nothing in response to what he said. She figured this time it was best not to.

"Well big bad wolf, I would rather not stand around here. I will be on my way then," those were the only words that escaped her jaws.