
just sing to me


10-09-2014, 03:18 PM

Ah. She didn't know why, but she just felt sick today. Both physically and mentally. Her stomach ached, and her legs began to tremble every time she stood up. As if they would snap in half like twigs, throwing her to the ground miserably. Of course this kind of thing would happen right after the past events. Becoming ill, right? Typical. Not like she was surprised. But even with such a crappy feeling expanding inside of her...she didn't want to see Bass. She'd get him sick. The same thing went for Motif, Rhythm. Anyone else she's talked to. She'd get them all sick! And she didn't want a whole crisis to rest on her shoulders. So the girl decided to leave Abaven for a least until this sickness cleared up. If it didn't and it got worse, she'd probably return to Abaven in search of help.
Although, things like this seemed to always pop up and give her bruises. Small ones, though. They would easily heal. It'd hurt...but they'd heal, no matter how agonizing they were. --- Wren had slipped away from her and Bass's den after awhile of thinking. And she headed toward the river, where she would cross and head to the Orchard. She was informed that it was a relaxing place...and until she threw together her own little vacation den in one of the southern territories, she'd hang around there for awhile. With all that vegetation, she was sure she could snack on some of the lingering rodents who liked to feed on all of that herbivorous food. Not as good as her usual deer, or moose...but still enough to keep her satisfied and alive!
The sun was going down, and beautiful colors were gradually appearing across the evening sky. Little stars already began to litter the mixture of orange-yellow and purple. And it was sure beautiful. She turned her head away from the beautiful sight, minty eyes turning down to her shadow that danced beside her and mirrored her movements. A hoarse giggle left her lips. "Who knew being alone could make you feel" She questioned herself with a weak smile, before stopping cold and relaxing her head between her shoulders. Suddenly she began to cough a bit...almost to the point where she was hacking. Then, she lifted her head and continued to hobble on toward the orchard.
Finally, a large green dome of vegetation and a whole ton of other things appeared. Wren's sight was a bit blurry...considering she was so tired and sick. But she could still make it what it had been. She approached it, and pushed through a little gap in the center, tripping over a root and weakly tumbling to the ground. Wren groaned and whimpered to herself like a little pup, but eventually found her feet. Slowly would she drag herself to a little ditch that was located beneath the protective roots of a tree. And, surprisingly, she fit right through, only to curl up with her head tucked into her body.
She'd...she'd sleep her tonight, maybe. But was it honestly possible with this smell wafting through the whole orchard? She's never been here...she's never seen anything. So this new fruity smell was quite new to her. After was dangerous to let her guard down in neutral territory. Someone could be here...watching her.