
It's All Fun and Gumballs


05-17-2013, 07:05 PM

The air around us seemed to grow thick, now the only thing audible was the inhaling and exhailing of air. Silence blanketed us both at this point. My body ever so close to hers. One more step foreward and we'd be touching. That look in my eyes had completely shifted. No longer was I going to play along with this little game, and the look she offered made me detect she wanted to call it quits early. She already started something, and I'll be the one to finish it. You could bet your pretty little hide on that one. Her eyes shifted from me to the ground, yet my stare never once faltered. The grin that crept upon my lips at this point was something so sinister, so twisted that only a true sicko at heart could produce.

Although her tail continued to sway back and forth, my entire body remained stiff. Not even a twitch of my tail was detected. Only the rise and fall of my sides as I breathed in that life supporting oxygen. She took a step back, and I took one foreward. This time, not in such a playfully joking manner. Nor in a mocking kind of way. The game was over. I was bored with, and she seemed as though she had felt the same. Now, we shall play by my rules. Once again I took a final look around before focusing back to her, her words slicing through the silence. Now would be the time for her knight and shining armor to come barreling from the shadows. However I do not for see that happening. Finally I spoke in return, each word dripping with dry sarcasm.

So soon? Dear, the games only begun. If I recall correctly.

I could feel my jaws once more watering. I could imagine her screams echoeing through the forest. I could already feel her fight, her struggle. Even though technically she was still standing right infront of me.