
Following the Stream up North [PACK HUNT]



1 Year
10-09-2014, 08:14 PM

Reaching Gaia, the boy waited for further instruction. The fae in charge, Daegmar, if he'd heard the other boy correctly, was quick to do just that, picking a target and handing out assignments. The calf. Nemesis' heart rate quickened at the thought. Frogs were one thing, but he'd never seriously pursued a large animal before. The danger was real, Daegmar's words serving to drive that point home. "Any questions?" Slowly the boy shook his head no. Sure, he had plenty of questions, like how many wolves have you seen killed by bison? and what happens if one kicks you in the face? but he knew better than to ask.

Thoughtlessly darting after Daegmar, Nemesis quickly realized his mistake and slammed on the brakes, changing course as soon as he was able. His eyes settled on Freyja and he made the snap decision to follow her. She was older than the rest of them and had spoken to Daegmar as an equal, and that was enough for him. Copying her movements, the boy worked to sow fear into the herd.

Suddenly a slowing calf was before him and the boy, brazened by the chase, dove for the young animal's heels without hesitation. He retained enough reason to remember Daegmar's words of warning, and it was with them in mind that he paid special attention to the bison's hooves. The last thing he wanted was to find out what it was like to really be kicked in the head by one.

Sensing an opportunity, Nemesis dove for calf's left hind leg. His jaws parted, lips peeling back in anticipation, and with a jolt, he latched onto the limb just above the hock. The calf pulled him forward, almost yanking him off his paws, and a bolt of fear lanced through him at the thought of being trampled. Fearing this, he let go and fell behind several paces.

"Speaking" Thinking