
�ingvellir (YFIR)


10-09-2014, 09:54 PM

When one of his siblings spoke it was Nemesis. Thany had been quiet, waiting for his older siblings to speak up first, but it seemed they hesitated, perhaps far too long. The boy would flick his ears back some, a bit of worry gnawing at his gut. Teal gaze would shift to the others before Thanatos would shake his head a little. The intelligent pup was braver than he appeared much of the time. Maybe not so bold in crowds... but it was something he had to work on. Interacting in pack life like this could help. He would take a breath, direction his eyes back to Katja, doing his best to be bold, to show no fear as his namesake would as he took a step forward.

"I'm staying. Part of Yfir territory is still the home I know. Even if I must be apart from my other siblings... I... I won't give it up." He would shuffle some on his paws, fighting to keep his voice level, to keep it clear. But he would not take his gaze from the silver ticked black furred alpha. No... he would not show weakness. He was an Olympus... he would overcome this challenge and many others. "I... I want to be a warrior." He would keep his gaze for a moment before courage started to waiver again, a little breath leaving him as he took a couple steps back, sitting beside Andy again. What would his siblings think? He'd look to them now, trying to meet their gaze and give a small, sad smile... but would any of them look this way.

Walk "Talk" Think