
It's All Fun and Gumballs


05-17-2013, 07:26 PM
It's all fun and gumballs until sombody gets chewed.

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Her body stiffened in her tracks as he took a step closer to her as she had taken a step back. The look in his eyes and the smile upon her jaws told her that his intentions were nothing good. She knew she was in quite a mess this time and unfortunately it was true that there was no one around to help her. Meravue was used to this sort of thing by now and had become accustom to defending herself rather well. She did not keep backing up, nor did she even attempt to run. Still, there was no fear to be seen. Instead she had a daring look upon her face, with ears perked forward and her pale eyes now burning as if to say, I dare you to try anything. The stiffness in her body said that she was no longer relaxed now and she was prepared for a fight if it came to that, yet she had the feeling he was only toying with her and so she let her muscles relaxed, telling herself that there was nothing he could do anyway and he was probably just making fun of her in his own little way.

"It's all fun and games until somebody gets chewed," she told him in the softest voice, yet her eyes were narrowing as she held his gaze tightly, not even glancing away for a moment. "Besides, I do not like staying in one place for very long," she said once more taking another step back, her eyes never letting up. She went through a play of possible outcomes through her mind of what to do. Should she keep provoking him and try to fight him? What if he was toying with her? How could she turn the tables so that it was to her advantage? Her mind began to scramble for ideas, yet her mind was vacant. Still, she had a feeling she would come up with something at the last moment and change things as she so often does.