
Because I Love You



7 Years
10-10-2014, 01:24 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She thought his questioning answer was almost teasing and saw the slight pull that gave the suggestion of a smile about his face, one that did not seem to reach up into his single, blind eye. He could not see it, but she smiled slightly at his tone, willing enough to play into the suggestion he had made no matter how worried and unsure she felt beneath it all. After all, it was exactly what she wanted. Another litter of pups. More children to add to their already large family. He had always been so willing to comply, always so ready to answer any pleas that she might have made, but this time felt different.

And he had recognized it too. Her eyes, cloudy grey and deep gold, stared across at him and saw as his nose bumped against her own, something that seemed to surprise him, and she listened as he went on to acknowledge her inquiry again. He did know. About her condition and what she wished to ask of him for a third time. He kissed her chin and her eyes closed, reveling in his touch as she breathed a quiet sigh. But rather than press on, to draw things to the conclusion she hoped to have, he admitted to her his fears, the worries that he had been harboring that were different than her own.

Her expression blanked slightly at his admission. It was not something she had been considering, not something she had allowed herself to think about. Twice before they had produced pups without issue, plenty more times had they enjoyed the physicality of their relationship. It seemed so surprising to her she was not yet ready to even consider the possibility of complications. "But...there have never been complications before. And you were even surprised back then," she stated with a soft, forced laugh, disbelief and doubt both coloring her words, "You cannot know for certain." She tried to convince him, to boost whatever lack in confidence had suddenly overtaken him, but worried this time whether it would be enough.