
Let Her Come



8 Years
10-10-2014, 08:08 AM

The sound of his howl echoed around him, resonating through the thick wood. He waited, where he stood- hoping she could hear his baritone tones and would come. His hopes had been crushed so many times- when strangers had come to the sound, or more often, no one at all that he was sure he was dreaming when he scented a familiar sweet scent. His eyes grew wide, as he took in a deep breath- even if it was a dream, he would at least get to smell her, perhaps even touch her again. As she came into view, his tail wagged slightly, and a rumble of approval left him as she closed the distance at a run. He'd step forward to meet her, all illusions of a 'dream' shattered with an electrifying jolt, as she nuzzled into him.

Valerius lowered his head, lifting his paw to wrap around her in a sort of hug. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath- taking in her sweet scent. He didn't talk for a few moments, rather, tried to take the moment in- and let it become a sweet memory. Then he would speak, his voice rasping as he began, the tone wistful. "Emer." He paused, a whispered. "Oh, my Emer, how I have missed you." His heart throbbed, and he let out a deep breath that he didn't realize that he'd been holding. "Emer" He'd whisper again, pressing his muzzle into her. Her name was an affirmation to her scent, and the feel of her body as it pressed against his. It was as if the gods had decided that fate had been cruel enough- that again he would find his happiness.
