
Gone Too Long

Athena I


9 Years
10-10-2014, 09:00 AM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2014, 09:01 AM by Athena I.)

The obvious joy Amalia had when she walked into view made her smile. The small russet faced girl could apparently hardly contain herself, although she did seem to sober up a bit and dipped her head submissively when she spoke. Athena listened curiously to Amalia's reasons for disappearing, her gaze showing her understanding even though she still disapproved. She could understand wanting to find her siblings, but she wished she had at least spoken to her about it first. Amalia went on to mention how much she had missed the Soeverien and Athena's gaze softened, her smile widening a bit. "I missed you too, Amalia." And she meant it. Bevroren wasn't quite as bright when the girl wasn't here.

At her friend's next comment Athena followed her gaze, glancing back at her own stomach before quickly glancing back again with a small grin, chuckling softly. "I suppose I have been. A lot has happened since you've been gone." That statement was made even more true when Amalia asked about Glaciem. Where did she start? "Well, it's actually Bevroren now. I took over as Queen and Isardis left to take over another pack. When he did that Vereux and I wanted to make some changes so I decided to completely change our name and ranks. Now we're called Bevroren and I go by the title of Soeverien. Isardis was challenged to fight to the death and his pack dissipated, but a wolf named Quelt took it over and now his pack are our neighbors." She paused for a moment, wondering if there were any more large events that she was forgetting as far as Bevroren news went. "Vereux and I were married... And you've already noticed my being pregnant. A lot of wolves have disappeared, but some new ones have joined in their place. So much has happened... It's crazy to think that so much can happen in such a short amount of time."

Athena sighed and gave Amalia a smile. "I'm glad you're back. You always brightened my days when I saw you and I certainly could have used some of that brightness lately." She took a step forward to give Amalia a friendly nuzzle on the girl's shoulder, her eyes finding Amalia's captivating blue ones when she stepped back again. Even now, standing face to face with the girl, Athena couldn't quite sort out her feelings for her. She felt a strange flutter in her chest when she saw her, the same one that had confused her when she heard Amalia's howl calling for her. "Will you be here to stay this time?" Her voice was hopeful, some part of her needing for Amalia to say yes.
