
�ingvellir (YFIR)

Katja the First


8 Years
10-10-2014, 03:45 PM

Her words to the Olympus yearlings seemed to bring about a private conference between the four, or at least on the part of the two females for both males spoke up to show their interest in going to Ebony. "Very well," she said to the two males, "I will have your oaths now, before the whole pack that all may bear witness, and then I will escort those who have sworn to Ebony immediately after the meeting - I will give you a short time to say your farewells to those who will remain behind." She raised an eyebrow at the two females, inviting them to add their oaths to their brothers' if they wished to go.

The other yearlings and pups had begun to volunteer their preferences for training as well, including - to her mild surprise, since neither had seemed interested in participating while they were among Yfir - both the younger members of the Olympus family. She inclined her head to the pair gravely before turning her attention to the others. Solo didn't speak up, which she had expected since he was probably uncertain what Gaia was doing, or if he'd be allowed to go with her. She attempted to meet his eyes, gesturing with her muzzle toward Gaia questioningly. She would allow him to go if Gaia went to Ebony if that was his wish - he could train among Val's warriors just as well as here.

Her gaze met Kapra's from where he sat close by and she considered a moment. "Wolves of Yfir," she said finally, "I am pleased to introduce to those of you who do not know him, my cousin Kapras?us Finnvi. He and I grew up in the same family pack and have known each other many years before being separated, but the gods have led our paths together once more. He will be serving as my Jarl, my beta, if he will accept the position." She shifted her gaze to him questioningly. If he accepted, good. If he did not, she would do without until her new, unknown pack mates proved themselves to her.

She quickly went over the answers she'd received from the younglings, and the available adults currently members of Yfir. "For those we know will stay - for those who have chosen what they wish to train in. All will learn basic battlefield medicine - a pack member's life may depend on your ability to keep them stable until a healer can get to you. Otherwise you will each train in battle and hunting with your mentors as you have chosen. For now, these are the pairs that will be assigned. Laufey, Orochi, the both of you will go with Daegmar. It will be good for you to train together, to be able to spar against an opponent of similar size and age in your training, and I am certain Daegmar is a capable teacher."

"Freyja." Her gaze shifted to the golden goddess who poised there so disdainfully. "We have among us a new young wolf, a youngling named Bera who is very eager to train. You will be her mentor. You are a capable warrior, and I know you will teach her well. Hypnos..." She turned her head toward the pup with the weak leg. "You did not express a preference and though I do not know if your mother wishes to stay, you will be paired with Kapra for training for now. Chryseis." She stopped to study the gold-marked Olympian. "I do not know if you wish to stay among us - my offer of sanctuary was impulsive and meant to protect you from the wrath of the Olympus wolves without consideration of what you may have wanted. If you do wish to remain I would like it if you would mentor young Thanatos." She trusted, for what her trust was worth, that the former slave would not abuse the adopted son of her former captor, and it would do the boy good to learn a different point of view on the matter.

Her eyes focused calmly, briefly on the defiant youngest Olympian, the young girl, before sweeping across the group. "I will train Hemera myself." With that taken care of it was time to open this to the meat of the assembly. "At this time, does anyone have anything to bring before the pack? Questions? Concerns? Grievances?" She met each of their gazes in turn. "Anything can be brought before the pack now without fear of later retribution."

OOC: everyone, regardless of if they have something to say, is required to post by Friday, October 17th. As stated in the post, anyone can bring up a dispute they have with another wolf or decision made and have their opinion heard in front of the whole pack, or ask questions that they want the answers made publicly, or really anything that they want the rest of the pack to hear at once. If you have any questions OOC, feel free to hunt me down and pry them from my cold dead fingers... I mean, I'd be happy to answer your questions.