
A Whale's Song


06-04-2013, 02:49 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2013, 10:46 PM by Cherokee.)

Despite the ever creeping chill that was beginning to take hold of the land, Cherokee was able to tear through the earth like it was nothing more than water. His powerful paws ate through the barely frozen earth, sending it flying behind him, hopefully not hitting Song, given he'd warned her before she'd started. He was sure she wouldn't be too thrilled of being dirty on top of being soaked to the bone. He knew he personally wouldn't like that at all.

The chilled earth didn't provide much warmth, but as soon as the massive obsidian brute took up residence, his own body heat began seeping into the den, warming the once cold earth, hopefully making it more bearable for Song. He only had to wait a moment before she was stepping through the entrance, a shy smile curling her pretty mouth. Why was she shy all of a sudden? Had he done something to cause that? He could see that the shivering from before had returned and he was glad when she slid in beside him. She needed to warm up quickly and what better way than through direct body contact.

Her musical voice would drift up towards his ears, making him pull himself just a bit tighter around her, his crown hovering just above hers, debating whether to keep it to himself, tuck it atop her paws or rest it against her shoulders, plume draped across her haunches. I would suppose so. he answered quietly, struggling with how to place himself with her, not knowing how far he was allowed to go.

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