
Take from One, Give to the Other



10-10-2014, 09:49 PM
Ooc;// sorry about the wait

BIC:: The woman watched as the male approached, seeming ether lost in thought or just plain a scent minded. She did not move from her elevated position atop her stone, nor did she really move much at all for that matter. Her head still resting atop her paws she simple watched him as he made his way around the water's edge. Her ears still upright and alert, and her eyes fully open, she sized him up. He was an older male judging from the way he carried himself. She didn't take up to arms, her body for the most part free of tension, save form her shoulders. But, then again, her shoulders where always tense. He didn't appear a threat to her just yet, but he was only the second wolf she'd met here in Alacritis. So for now she remained.

Even as he got closer and closer still, she just watched him. Maybe he would pass and never even notice her. This was something of a preferred situation as, again, she was one with particularly bad trust issues. But sadly out would not be so as he finally came to the realization that he was not alone. His reaction thought surprised her. He gave her a polite bow of his head and apologized for encroaching upon her in the wish that he wasn't a disturbance. This where only face value words to her. She put no stock in them until she had a reason to do so. But for right now she was comfortable. And she intended to enjoy it as long as she could. His eyes made it a little easier too. They where two separate colors just as hers where. It interested her.

Lifting her head just enough to face him with her own two toned gaze, she attempted to speak, but all that fell from her expressionless maw coated in her German accent where the words "You're fine." And they didn't fall easy ether. It was hard to speak with a tongue that was cautious that anything it uttered could be used against her. So she just remained there. Expressionless and wondering what his next move would be.