
Following the Stream up North [PACK HUNT]



5 Years
10-11-2014, 02:28 PM
w00t!!! We're almost there guys. I think one more round ought to about do it. Next deadline is Wednesday, Oct. 15th at noon (i'm leaving that weekend to see my folks hence the slightly earlier deadline) Let's finish strong!

Sweet, intoxicating adrenaline flowed through her veins and the massive animals startled at the sudden, ferocity of the wolves. The turned to flee in panic. D?gmar sized up the pairs, racing behind the beasts like a sheepdog, fangs and snarls harassing the grazers, testing for weakness. This was as much a game of endurance and soon the weaker animals in the herd would begin to fall behind in particular one mother with a six month old calf. Perfect. She let out a sharp, short howl though she was certain the others had already picked out this target. They were lucky in some respects that the did not have to spend hours running the herd for such an opening and it quickly became clear why. The calf's breathing was off. Was it ill?

D?gmar grinned but her focus was on the mother. It was up to her and the larger brutes to separate the cow from the calf. Jaws snapped violently at the hind legs of the cow, latching into the hock for just a moment before momentum pulled the limb from her jaws. D?gmar was forced to loose some of her speed, front limbs bracing and bending sharply as a powerful kick soared over her head just missing her skull. The warrior's heart was pounding violently in her ears as she put on another burst of speed. Fangs nicked the cow's left leg again, this time on the back of the knee, causing the beast to whirl violently around and charge her. This was all part of the plan of course, they needed the cow out of the way long enough to kill the calf but the cow was healthy and in good shape and giving D?gmar a run for her money. Shit, shit, shit on a stick!

The mottled femme dove out of the way as the mother barreled past her and whirled around back toward her calf that was now being assaulted. DAM! Thankfully, though Laufey was on it. D?gmar felt a burst of pride as she watched the young male go after the cow. He bit violently into her leg forcing her to turn again. Letting out a bloodthirsty cry D?gmar moved to join him, voracious jaws clamped onto the side of the cow's left left thigh right in the middle. Flailing the bison tried kicking violently out at the pair. D?gmar's grip tightened, her head and body thrashing and ripping. Just a bit longer?. just a bit longer?.