
that's right, I got a crossbow



4 Years
10-11-2014, 04:11 PM

Lyon snapped as soon as he walked through the doorway, pearl daggers flashing only briefly in threat of abuse. There was the barest flinch, a pair of lavender and cerulean gems squeezing shut as she jerked backward. She should have seen that coming, but she really hadn't. However, when no blows fell, she peeked through closed lenses to see him staring down the fluffy monstrosity she'd created for him. His question, in her mind, was absurd. What did it look like? She straightened, charcoal dipped plume wagging excitedly at her rump again. "Okay, I know you're mad and stuff, but look-" She began, her voice only showing the slightest edge of nerves. She wasn't really scared of Lyonovei, just wary of his more aggressive side reappearing. Without another second to spare, she whirled about and leaped onto the bed. Bounding up and down on the obscenely soft expanse of the mattress, she ignored the groans of protest from the ancient springs. "it's so soft!" She exclaimed with all the glee and childish obliviousness she could muster.

Then, without further ado, she leaped back onto the warped wooden boards of the floor. Massive paws made an overabundance of noise as she came catapulting towards him, and stopped just before she crashed headlong into his massive frame. "It's for you!" She announced jovially, tail arcing over her head as it wagged back and forth at a blindingly fast pace. "It's a bed, so you don't have to sleep on the ground!" She explained, since she couldn't be too careful. Lyon wasn't very on the ball today, it seemed. She watched his expression carefully, waiting for him to react. So far, there hadn't been much variation in his dumbfounded expression.

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