
The Queen's Legends



4 Years
10-11-2014, 05:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2014, 05:42 PM by Sacha.)

Name: ANYA

Any alterations: Pfft she's gorgeous just the way she is!

RP Sample: The siren was silent as the grave, watching the discussion as it went between her comrades. Her brow furrowed for a moment, and a single thought rang out through her mind. You can't be serious. Letting out a derisive snort, rosy pools would roll heavenward.
"Diar, that is the most imbecilic thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth." She announced smoothly, the thick, vicious lash of her accent ringing out in the middle of the male's speech. "It's a physical impossibility for you to have fought the polar bear and won, you lack the size to overpower it." She continued, her knowing gaze fixed upon his features. "As well, your strategy is flawed." She added nonchalantly, adding in a haughty smirk just for the fun of it all. Now, she could simply sit back and watch the indignant expression turn into a snarl.
"I absolutely did, An! How do you think I got this scar!" He barked, jerking his shoulder for emphasis. His brow was furrowed so deeply she was worried his eyeballs might pop like berries. She rolled her eyes again, head lolling forward in exhaustion with this lackwitted argument.
"And that's another thing, seeing as you only owe one such scar to this battle with such an immense and powerful opponent, that implies the bear would have only landed one blow upon you. That it illogical, and impossible. The bear could reach about and knock your head right from your shoulders from any place that you could reach to kill him and win the fight." She argued, raising her head again and staring the man down. "You're either lying about the fight, or the victory." She informed him, deadpan toned and rather bored. Honestly, this wasn't a complicated situation. A polar bear was at least four times Diar's size, even as Brobdingnagian as he was. So, by process of elimination, he was obviously lying about something that happened in this make believe scenario.
"You're ruining the story, An." Luka sighed, and she offered him a lopsided shrug.
"I didn't want to risk you all giving Diar more credit than he should have." She purred, grinning wickedly as her gaze flicked back to the titan of a man, who looked about ready to take her apart. That would be a fun thing to watch, in her opinion.

Gemstore Items and Value: Odd markings (for her sexy legs) and that's 300 gems so I was thinking you pay 150 I pay 150? idk we can discuss it if you'd like">