
maybe we should make a movie


10-11-2014, 07:25 PM


Ever since he found this place a while back it had become one of his favorite haunts. However, this was the first time he had been here late at night and not already asleep so the silence surprised him. Of course the birds had to sleep at some point, he figured, but compared to how loud they were during the day it was almost unsettling how quiet it was. His huge paws carried him toward the willow tree in the center of marsh, the shallow water swirling around his golden feet. He wasn't in any hurry nor had any particular interest in keeping his presence secret so he moved along at a casual, relaxed pace, letting the water swish and bubble gently around his. He thought he might be alone as usual, but the closer he got to the willow the sooner he caught the strong scent of a stranger that had beat him to his favorite spot. His eyes, glowing vibrant green in the moonlight, searched the shore of the small island of sorts till they finally found the form of a fea in the distance.

A small grin touched his muzzle. He hadn't been expecting company, but he certainly wouldn't turn it down. Turning his path slightly, he moved toward her while he took in her brightly colored form, noting that she wasn't terribly far from his own size which was something to be said when compared to his massive form. It was a nice change of pace considering he usually dwarfed anyone he met. "Well, hello," he called as he got closer, a charming smile stretching across muzzle. He pulled himself up onto the shore, shaking off each of his paws before padding closer and coming to a halt a few feet away. "Would you mind if I bothered you for a little company? I've found that cold nights like this are much better with someone to share them with."