
maybe we should make a movie



5 Years
10-11-2014, 09:52 PM

The form of a titan made itself known, a massive male that bore similar colouring to her own. Save for the intriguing play of slate blue upon his flanks and back. He greeted her smoothly, the timbre of his voice and the tinge of his scent telling her that he was not quite mature yet, and would not be as much fun as he could one day be. "Good evening, darling." She purred, the timbre of her voice a muted chorus of thunder as she spoke. Powerful neck muscles would twitch, great crown dipping in a polite nod of greeting to the male. She would have to keep an eye out for him in the future. He had promise as more than an able bodied warrior. He stepped onto the island, shaking out each paw individually before he came any closer. How considerate of him. Her cerulean gaze followed his movements, assessed what kind of a threat he might be. She wasn't in the mood to deal with a young lad itching for a fight, though any other time it would only prove to be a form of entertainment for her.
He was quite a gentleman, it appeared. He inquired as to whether or not she would mind company, all for her own comfort with the situation as it seemed. How kind of him. She smiled, the faintest amused chuckle trailing from her onyx lips. "Not at all, ashen prince." She hummed, lifting one massive paw to gesture to the spot beside her. Some company might be nice, even if from just a youth such as this. "It is a beautiful night tonight, don't you think?" Rumbling lyrics would inquire softly, one brow raising as she directed a curious look toward the boy. It was simply idle conversation, but she didn't really need to say anything else, did she?
