
maybe we should make a movie


10-11-2014, 10:41 PM


He might be young, but much like his sister he was already quite in touch with his more mature side. The nearly two-year old already had his eye out for beautiful women such as this lovely lady he had found near the willow he often called home. A pleased smile found its way onto his face as she accepted his request. He settled onto his stomach beside her, crossing his forepaws neatly in front of him. "Quite beautiful," he replied, a small smirk playing on his lips as he added, "Not as beautiful as yourself, of course." Her golden coat glowed in the moonlight much like his own, but her blue gaze stood out against her main color in a way he was sure his green gaze couldn't. She also had a striking marking around her left eye, catching his attention and keeping his gaze on hers.

A bird song made his ear twitch and he glanced away breifly to gaze out into the surrounding trees to listen before looking back at the golden girl. "The bird songs are beautiful during the day. They're one of the reasons I come out here so often." He paused with a smile when he realized he hadn't introduced himself. "Oh, how rude of me. Sitting here babbling without introducing myself. I'm Niketas. It's nice to meet you."