
The Hunt is On



6 Years
05-21-2013, 08:16 PM

Amber eyes calculated the shadows cast by the various trees, grasses, and shrubs. She was very careful to catch anything that was out of place. Her ears pressed forward, spine straightening and body posture becoming rigid. Movement. Seconds felt like hours in the silence and she could hear the pounding of blood in her ears. What lie in the grass broke cover and her toes curled in, gripping the ground, prepared to give chase if she needed to.

A hawk. It spread its great wings and took to the sky. Azalea leaned back, watching it take off. As she traced its path across the heavens she felt relief that it had not been something more substantial. To chase a deer on her own would have been foolish, pointless, and spoil any hope of finding more to hunt when Epiphron really did arrive.

Her wait was not long though as her name was called in a chipper tone from behind. The reaction to her name was instantaneous, her entire body folding over itself as she looked to see who called her. Who else should it be but Epiphron? Azalea tried to keep the surprise from her eyes to see her aunt Or rather: carefree.

"I must say, you're growing up far too quickly," The older female stated conversationally. Azalea stood up, stretching her legs. "Have you seen my brothers? They grow like weeds." Her sarcasm was on the dry side but her eyes were lit with amusement.

Her face became more serious, focusing on the task at hand. She took a step ahead, eyes again sweeping the expanse of land before her. Still no sign of deer or anything else worth while. "Not so much as a gopher in sight. I waited for you to try picking up on a scent trail." She looked at the she-wolf expectantly.
