
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38

Rune I


5 Years
10-12-2014, 02:20 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

His leap forward connected, though the close space between them, ensured by his father's grip against his neck, hardly allowed for the same force as their first collision. Still, Rune felt his own chest, bruised and sore from just moments ago, ache against the new pressure he put upon himself, and he hoped his father felt something of the same. Ignoring it - made possible by adrenaline and desperation - Rune quickly returned himself to a stable, squared stance after his leap, paws firmly planting themselves upon the ground, body still lowered into a defensive crouch with muscles tensed and ready to act and tail extended as it added to his balance.

The pain came as a burning flash upon his neck near the base of his skull as Kylar began to shake his head, his teeth which had dug in and punctured deep into the skin now beginning to rip and tear with each movement of his muzzle. Rune's ears pinned more tightly against his head, the growl within his chest rumbling more loudly in response. Somehow through the movement, his own bite had managed to find its mark, and Rune gripped as strongly as he could in his attempt to use the bite as a stabilizer against his father's violent attack. It did nothing to eliminate the pain, which still burned through his rage, but he hoped to at least minimize as much damage to himself as he could with it while simultaneously inflicting as much damage upon Kylar as he could with the pressure of his bite.

Almost at the same time, he felt his father pull against his grip, felt him turn his body in such a way that placed more strain upon his own hold and drew them more perpendicular to each other. In answer, Rune attempted to mimic the motion, aiming to swing his own hips to the right and realign himself into the same position he had had relative to his father as before. He had only managed a step, almost a second, before he noticed Kylar beginning to press downward, using his advanced size and a paw placed against his son's back in order to bear down on the smaller grey wolf. Rune dug his paws more firmly into the ground, willing its slick surface not to give out beneath him despite the weather that worked against him, and braced himself against the force of the darkly colored kidnapper. Just as Kylar pressed into him, he pressed back, refusing to give ground and straining against his downward force as he kept his neck low and shoulders hunched to keep as much fur and loose skin gathered there about his neck as possible.

Only keeping that stance was difficult. Kylar had a far greater mass working with his strength that Rune was not large enough to hold up on his own, and if he kept up his current position any longer he was sure his grip on the slippery ground was going to give out beneath him. In a last ditch effort to save himself from falling, he quickly tried to fold his hind legs and drop his back end into a seated position, hoping that the sudden slope to his back would allow his father's paw to slide away and alleviate some of the downward pressure he was feeling. Still keeping his shoulders drawn forward and braced, his forepaws still splayed to provide as much support as could be drawn from the rain-slicked earth, at the same time that he moved to lower his hind end he released his bite on Kylar's shoulder to try another. He attempted to yank his head as far to the left as he could despite Kylar's grip, jaws gaping, lips curled and eyes narrowed protectively, and tried a forceful grab at the side of his father's neck, his bite directed toward the base where it connected to his shoulders.


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