
baby blue sedan


05-17-2013, 10:23 PM

It had been a couple days since Deteste had joined the Ludicael and he had been dutiful member. Jupiter had not given the vagabond a specific duty but he had made a habit of patrolling the pack borders three times a day in early morning, sunset and and late at night once Laxago had dozed. He had made a home for the girl in a secluded area where others would not stumble across or disturb her. Social interactions were not her best asset and the girl was morose from their current interaction with the pack's Sol, Jupiter. It was true that meeting Jupiter had changed Deteste in ways significant to Laxago, who couldn't deal with anything other than consistent stability. His new trust, and perhaps friendship, in the alpha had stirred awareness within Deteste that he did not particularly understand. It had been long since he had had anything remotely warm without great effort on his part. At least in the relationship he shared with Laxago. He was unhappy. Before it had been a reality. Now it was a choice. Regardless of these new inquisitions Deteste remained solitary and mute. And above all he would never stop taking care of Laxago for he could not allow such a fragile soul to perish when he had taken the lives of so many others without cause.

It was sun down and an amber light filtered at a slope through the thick mangrove canopy above. On his obsidian pelt the light glowed white and silver. His pace was leisurely and as was his affect. A relaxed grin lifted the corners of his parted jowls between which his hot breath became mist in the cold approach of autumn night. He did not remember the last night he felt such peace. Though his behavior had been rather timid regarding interaction with other members of the pack, as seen in his patrols centered around zero or little territorial traffic, he was content. Reaching the midst of his patrol Deteste began to wonder when he would be able to see Jupiter again. Their first interaction had been rather formal and the strict business of it had only been accentuated by Laxago's appearance. Deteste desired to aquire a more trustful and informal understanding with Jupiter but most of all he wanted to ask how he could make himself as useful as possible.