
everest frost



3 Years
10-12-2014, 07:12 AM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2014, 07:49 AM by Valeriya.)
user posted image
new name: Astrid Frost
appearance: Astrid's coat is pale, completely devoid of saturation. Both thick and lush, it is also fine and a menace to keep clean. It is sullied by shadow from her knees down, dappled eventually converging into one solid hue. Her thick mane bears this coloration as well as her ears and the tip of her tail. The girl's eyes gleam with vibrant lime coloration, much like her mothers. They are a startling drop of color in an otherwise pallid landscape. Her build is lithe and sanguine, her legs slender and put together with all the thin capability of a cheetah. She will grow to stand 33" tall, and weigh in at 105lbs.

personality: Astrid is an intellectual, but this does not make her a reserved scholar. Her attempts at higher knowledge serve one purpose alone: to best her lessers... Which, as it happens, is almost everyone she comes across. Astrid is quick to anger, and loathes ignorance and stupidity. To her, those who cannot use the wits given to them are absolutely worthless. She is stubborn in this, as with so much else, and reserves any sort of wiggle room for her family and her family alone. Astrid is quiet, so long as you have not offended her or encroached on her space, and would rather spend her days alone with her hobbies or musing than out and about socializing. She is incredibly resourceful, and can be counted upon to keep a level head where others might begin to panic. She is usually the first to come up with a plan, and her strategies, while not foolproof, can be considered a decent jumping-off point. (She looks to improve this as time goes on.) She is the sort who wishes to know everything, to aid herself and to prove that she is the superior being she knows she is capable of becoming. She is cunning and not above manipulation if it serves her purposes, whatever they may be.
alignment: Chaotic Neutral

roleplay sample: If she had to spend one more instant listening to the bumbling fool go on about healing she would kill him. That was it, she would wrap her jaws around his throat and twist. Oh, her ire was bubbling and roiling and just waiting for her control to slip. 'Oh really, chamomile calms you down? Does it? Its a fucking flower, what did you expect!' Her thoughts had degraded to acid long ago, but she kept her teeth clenched and her features neutral. The old bat was a ponderous fool, she had known that from the beginning, but she had not come to him for healing. No sage made it far in his tutelage without figuring out that for each plant that healed, there were a dozen that would twist your guts and then force them out of you one way or another. That was useful. That was why she had spent the entirety of the last two days trailing after him for and as of now? It had been an enormous waste of time!

I ought to kill him, she thought. Public service and all that, I'm protecting future imbeciles from falling into his trap. Gods above she should have seen this one coming. Gray flecked his muzzle and his eyes were already beginning to grow cloudy. If he survived the coming winter she would be stunned, but that was a thought for a different day. Lets see his miraculous talent stop that. Far more useful, she thought, to know that the right dosage of this plant mixed with the root of that would lull you into a sleep you would never awaken from. If this decrepit furball wanted to starve to death, freeze to death, well then he was more than welcome to it. The young fae stood, turned with a flourish of her ivory tail, and walked away without a word.

plans: I would like her to spend some time with her family and her siblings, maybe trail around with them and try to keep them in line (or instigate. Probably that.)