
Own (Arcanum)


10-12-2014, 02:12 PM

His reaction was quick, and futile. A moderate bruise would flare across her chest as she collided with him. However, he had moved, sending in his right shoulder into her chest. His head would jerk back, but her fangs still found purchase. She would be rewarded with the taste of blood as her fangs sank into his cheek and lower jaw. His open jaws would jerk forward, trying to find her scruff, but she had successfully grabbed his leg and pulled it from under him, immediately she would release his leg, the damage already done, and replace her paw safely on the ground. As he fell, pressure would build on her hold on his face, but she tried to keep a hold, knowing the tender skin would shred under too much weight. His fangs would pierce the lower right side of her neck, just before her shoulder. Fangs would sink in, causing small puncture wounds, but if he falls, then he would undoubtedly tear the skin.

In an attempt to keep him tumbling towards the ground so jut her left shoulder forward and attempt to throw her weight into him. She hoped that the movement would be just enough to topple him completely to the ground. Releasing his face, jaws would aim to reposition themselves across the top of his muzzle (so that his muzzle is inside her mouth). Tipping her crown the left, she would aim for her top jaw to grasp the tender flesh on the right side of his snout, and her lower jaw to sink into the left side of his muzzle. In sync with her attempted bite, she would force her head down, hoping that if she is successful in grabbing his muzzle, she would continue to force him to the ground.

All the while defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, skull level with spine chin tucked, tail aligned with her spine, legs spread equidistant, weight evenly distributed, legs bent at the joint, toes splayed and claws digging into the ground.


ooc- dee offered to judge this, if thats ok with you
