
I'm no good at a one night stand


10-12-2014, 02:57 PM

She didn't venture far this time. She was only a few miles from her home. So much had changed. She was a mother and an aunt. Her children were growing steadily, and so where her brother's. Soon they would be old enough to play together. Her sister was also having children. Soon she would have to visit them, see how they were fairing. Paws pressed against the cool grass, autumn having gripped the land already. It had been so long since she had been here. This was were she first met Vi, where everything had changed for her. A small smile would lift her lips as she lowered herself to the earth. Long limbs would stretch, audits twitching with each noise. Rolling onto her side, she would take a moment to absorb the warmth of the sun. Winter would be upon them soon, they would need to make preparations, especially to ensure their children survived their first winter. She already knew that Orchid remained stocked up on herbs, so that wasn't an issue. But trying to find food in the dead of winter was already a hardship. It didn't help that the pack had dwindled into nearly nonexistent. They had started off so well, but now they were dwindling into nothing. A sigh left her lips. Perhaps things would turn around. Or maybe fate had plans to turn them into nothing. Closing her eye, she would attempt silence her thoughts. There was no use in getting worked up over nothing.

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