
I'm no good at a one night stand


10-13-2014, 02:41 PM

Defenses never falter, again she was in a fight for her life, any mistake could cost her dearly. Eyes were narrowed, ears pinned, her hackles raised. Her crown was level with her spine, and her chin was tucked, shoulders rolled forward while her neck scrunched. Legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, her toes splayed and claws dug into the ground while her weight was evenly distributed. Her tail was aligned with her spine, ready to act as a rudder. Fate seemed to have a sick sense of humor.

Blood seeped from her wounds, her chest hurt with every breath. His grip would lessen as he leaned back and away from her, but in doing so, he ripped away a chuck of flesh, it was deep enough to tear away skin and fat, but hadn't touched muscle. Another scar to add to the list. As her jaws sought their intended target of his lower chest, his own jaws would come down, seeking more blood. Fangs connected with their target, gripping the sides of her snout, and applying pressure to force her head downards. His fangs would leave small puncture wounds, nothing major yet. But it didnt stop there, he had thrown himself forward again, sending his chest straight into her open jaws. The force was jarring, causing pain to immediately flare across her nose and the joint where her lower mandible connects to her skull. With moderate bruising, her jaws were bound to protest any movement. He was ruthless. His foreleg would lift, coming to rest across her shoulders, meeting its intended target. His weight now sat heavily on her upper body, straining her muscles and exhausting her quickly.

Thinking quickly, she would drop her hindquarters nearly to the ground. Her forelegs would bend a little deeper before she struck. Uncurling her hindlegs, she would attempt to throw herself forward and up, sacrificing her already marred looks as his fangs would undoubted tear the delicate skin of her face. She hoped to gather enough strength to send his jaws sliding back up her muzzle (towards her eyes) and to be able to push herself up just enough to try and gain a hold of her original target. Jaws again sought for the tender flesh just above the bone of his chest, hoping to sink her fangs into his trachea. Searching blinding, her right forelimb would slide forward, never leaving the ground, and arc in a wide half circle away from her body. Her hope was to catch his only grounded forelimb and perhaps knock him off balance. But she was flying blinding, which is why she kept her paw grounded, she hoped that his foreleg would be within her reach.

SIBELLE vs KYLAR for FREEDOM: round 2/2


image copyrighted to Lakela on dA