
Oh, how things have changed


10-12-2014, 03:34 PM

Their children would only be a few weeks apart, they would be so close in age. She couldn't remove the smile that was stuck on her face. Things were finally turning around for the both of them. Her sister would voice her thoughts. "See, I told you we just needed to find you a man." She would tease her sister, remembering the day she had first mentioned it and the woman's explosive response. A chuckle would roll off her tongue. "They wouldn't be our children if they didn't stir up some sort of chaos." A smirk would lift one side of her lips, a bubble of laughter soon following. She missed this. Suddenly it dawned on her. "What pack are you a part of?" Curiosity filled her tones. It was surprising that her sister found anyone as a suitable leader, especially one that convinced her to join. She was dying to know just who had captivated her attention. Perhaps it was the father that was an Alpha, he had come in and swept her sister off her feet and now they were expecting. Her tail continued to wag relentless, her happiness rolling off her in waves.

"Talk" "You" Think