
It's All Fun and Gumballs


05-18-2013, 08:33 AM

Now what amazed me most at this point, was when her entire stance stiffened, her posture became more rigid, as if waiting. Almost daring me to try to progress any further, which of course I would. Who was I to turn down a dare? But that wasn't what amazed me, what amazed me was the fear that remained invisible. How could she not fear me? Surely she could not be that cocky, then again maybe she was...? She hadn't a clue what my true intentions were, and yet she still played with the fire. Taunting and teasing me, rattling me to my very core. But I wouldn't allow her to escape my grasps that easily. Sure, she may not be in heat.. It's just an ordinary day in the woods, but that wouldn't stop me. I knew all to well what the females place on this earth was for, and I was still stuck in the 'olden days' they were beneath us. Created only to repopulate and satisfy us.. Of course the repopulating bit wasn't really on my agenda. The other however was. Then her body relaxed once more, did she really think that I was continuing to 'toy' with her? The corner of my lips tugged up even more as I watched her intently. Fantasizing in the confinements of my own wondering mind. Then once more she spoke, and puzzled me again... Well then, never heard that saying being... All I could do was chuckle in amusement before a soft, barely audible growl errupted from the depths of my chest.

Don't worry dear Meravue. I'll make sure to make it worth your time staying in one place
Another chuckle errupted slicing though the air like a knife through butter. My body remained tensed, muscles rippling beneath that multi colored coat as I made my way in a circling manner around her own canvas. Taking in every delicious view of it. I wasn't here to fight, no I was here for something else.. Of course in a few cases a little squabble would occur.