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Halloween Contest



10-13-2014, 03:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2014, 03:49 PM by Ardent.)
Happy Halloween!

It's the month of October and people everywhere are getting ready for the upcoming holiday of Halloween. Candies are being bought in bulk, pumpkins are being carved into jack-o-lanterns, and kids are scrambling to find the perfect costume. But with all of us humans having all the fun, why not bring a little of it into the world of Alacritis?

Costume Contest!

Introducing Alacritis's first ever Costume Contest! The rules are as follows:

1) Members can choose any character from their own character list to draw, doodle, paint, or sketch into a costume.

2) Each member will be limited to four (4) submissions. This can either mean choosing four separate characters to put into costume, choosing one character to put into four separate costumes, or some combination of the two that equates to four character/costume submissions.

3) Submissions must be either traditional (made with pen/pencil/etc. and paper) or digital (made with paint/PS/Gimp/etc.), and must be entirely created by the individual submitting it. No photomanipulations or colored linearts please.

4) Submissions must also be uploaded to a picture hosting site so that they can be linked to here.

5) Members must consider the type of costume they are using for their submissions and label them according to one of the three categories we will be voting on: Cutest Costume, Funniest Costume, and Scariest Costume.

6) Submissions will be accepted up until Monday, October 27th, at which point the submissions will be broken into their separate categories and voting will be opened to the members of Alacritis.

NOTE: There will be one extra category, Most Unique Costume, which will span across all three categories and whose winner will be determined by the staff alone.

7) The winners will be announced on Halloween day. Cutest, Funniest, and Scariest Costume will receive their choice of one (1) free small accessory or a 200 gems gemstore credit, and the Most Unique Costume will receive their choice of one (1) free small companion or a 200 gems gemstore credit.

NOTE: To claim your rewards, link to the poll thread where you won as proof of your purchase in the gemstore.

How To Enter:

To enter, please fill out the code provided below. To avoid possible stretching to the board, please add all submissions as links rather than images. Thank you and happy doodling!

Member Name:
Category: (Cutest, Funniest, Scariest)
Image Link: