
Take me away to some place real



10-13-2014, 07:25 PM

She had stuck close to her children no matter how bad she wanted to look for Gitan, she had to stay with her children. Sorrel had been knocked out during the storm, but was doing okay now, if only to have a lump on his head and headaches to deal with in the aftermath. Cerise had been oddly silent and very mature during the whole thing and Feli was worried sick over their father. She kept her worries on lock so as not to farther distress the three of them. Part of her knew Gitan was okay, he was safe. Maybe it was the bond she had with her mate or because she knew him well enough. But whatever it was she believed he was fine and would return to them when he could. Much like she herself had returned back after the earthquake. She would not lose faith in him. But she still could not help but worry, what if he was trapped? She would wait till they returned home to decide what to do if he still did not show.

The time to go back home was upon them and she was not sure if she was ready to see the destruction left behind. She would carry Atlas again, his wing still in mending. He would not be flying for some time to come. What greeted them was worse than what she could imagine. Her den was still flooded, not a scrape of herbs left, the ground was nothing but mud and the falls were still flooded over their banks. Her expression could only be described as lost and in shock. But her son's voice broke her from the trace only to have her heart break. "He'll be okay. After all he was a lone adventurer when I first me him. He's smart and knows how to stay out of trouble." She replied and nuzzled him. Her eyes drifted over to her sister, a look of desperation for her words to be true glistened. But quickly her look turned into surprise and shock as a familiar figure joined them. Her younger brother, he looked well and healthy, more than she could ask for."Legend!" She bounded over to him and nuzzled him.
