
Take from One, Give to the Other



10-13-2014, 08:46 PM
His words met her ears with none hostility. She was not in jeopardy of loosing her spot atop her rock just yet it would seem. The male appeared to be genuinely attempting to be welcoming to her. And they would turn to a more Scottish touch at that too. This was a display that he was from farther fields, same as her. But she suspected that her reasoning and his where something far from the same. The similarities that they might share would be very very few and far between. But he did offer her his name. That was something of a sign of peaceful intentions. You wouldn't hand your identity out so willingly if you had more devious intentions. Honestly, it all confused the woman. She wasn't sure how she should react to him now at this point. Perhaps it would have been easier if he'd have just not noticed her at all after all.

She was willing to attempt to have a pleasant interaction with a stranger, but she both didn't trust him, nor herself. So, with an unpracticed, hesitant voice, she again spoke, the words once more falling from her maw with a fight. "I am Tessi." Something of embarrassment making her warm under her fur as she realized she only knew how to be cautious anymore. "And Nein. I am not from here." Now that the rough introductions where done, she realized that there would be a conversation that followed, and that this interaction was not going to be completed any time soon. Raising herself to her rump and propping herself up with her front paws as she prepared for his next question.

And when it came, she was perhaps a little put back by it, but she maintained her level expression. Though she couldn't stop her gaze from dropping down to her paws. It was very much a sore topic matter for her. Because it wasn't just any one reason. There was the constant belittling she endured as a pup. All the trouble she'd managed to find. A handful of back stabbings. And then, on top of it all, the woman who captured, claimed, and ran off with her heart. That last one being the deepest cutting wound of them all. Oh yes, it was all one messy heart string tragic story. But she wasn't looking for sympathy. She didn't want sympathy. And she didn't expect to find any damn thing accept for others telling her to suck it up and get over her damn self. That's all she expected and so she didn't even bother to go looking. And she didn't want to think about it ether. She wanted to just put it out of her memory and go on with her spiteful existence. But right now, right now she was in one of her calmer moments. So long as he remained friendly to her, she would attempt as best she could to do the same. Finally her eyes lifted from her paws and settled on the water in front of her. Her voice met the air once again, this time in a very distant tone, her mind trailed off down the road behind her. ?Bad memories... I vanted to be somevhere vere zhey vould not know mine face anymore.?

It was a very vague statement. Offering no specific details nor descriptions. Only providing the broad oversight of her logic. She wanted to be in a place where she was a total and complete stranger. Nothing more. And it was all she could bring herself to give him. Even now she questioned herself if it had been too much. Information was as much a noose as anything else. Give a clever wolf enough, and he'd find a way to hang you with it. It wasn't a matter of if. It was something she believed. Which was why she wanted things the way they where. No one here knew a damned thing about her. From here, she could attempt to start over, perhaps, in time. Once she had relearned how to interact with others. She could keep everything important buried in a lock box and let nobody in. This time it would be on her own terms. She would survive.