



10-13-2014, 10:21 PM
Paws pounded the earth under foot, the grey pelted female charging forward with all her might. It was hard to explain. The emotions in her body on this particular night. Tessi was a kind hearted person, it was just buried under a mile of self made defenses. Every now and again there was this primal surge that bubbled up from her gut, and wormed its way up past all they layers of spite and anger and caution. She had retracted into a of survival, yes. But she was still alive at heart. And every now and again that had to be given into. All the pent up energy had to be let loose for fear of driving her insane. And tonight was one of those occasions. Call it the location. She was a long way away from her past and among strangers that knew nothing about her and thus had nothing to use against her. Yes, it was an unfamiliar wilderness that she inhabited. But like a triumphant rising beat, that was actually something of a notion of safety to her. The only thing she had to fear right now where the physical threats of living.

And that made her feel alive. Because she was actually in good standings at the moment. Her paranoia serving her well on the road here. She'd made sure to always eat every chance she'd been given in preparation for the coming winter. The extra pounds clinging to her sides and making her look healthy. Her winter coat was starting to grow in, but she wasn't extremely shaggy yet. It rippled along her sides as she ran across the plain. Finally, she came to a sliding stop and raised her maw to the sky in a lively howl. Proclaiming that she was alive and proud enough of herself with just that.

Finally coming to a rest, she dropped to a setting position and looked up ant the sky with her two toned gaze. A sigh escaped her maw. Nights such as this where always terrible. When she allowed herself to give into the fact that she was very much still alive, and still very much a wild wolf of the wilderness. They where terrible because the act always left her with a very primal and simple list of wants. She wanted to feed, she wanted to run, she wanted to sing. And there was one other want. A particular one that had lead to many a venturous night. But that satisfaction on this want was more up to how fortune favored her. For now she settled for looking up at the moon, burning brightly in the night sky, and toned leg muscles warm under her fur and her chest rising and falling as steamy clouds of breath rose from her parted maw. For the most part Tessi was still Tessi. No emotions hung on her face. She displayed no happiness. But there was something of an aura of a pleasant feeling radiating from her, and there was defiantly a wild look in her eyes. Her green right eye shining like a beacon in the night light. Again her maw rose to the sky and her voice rang out.

Tonight there was no mind. Tonight she unlocked the doors and allowed her instincts the reigns. Her soul one night to run wild.