


10-13-2014, 11:53 PM

Finding comfort in solitude this night was the idea. To shake depressing thoughts from her mind, and perhaps to rediscover herself. Foreign, and annoying, feelings poured over her. Ones in which seemingly softened her heart and made her reavaulate her life more than usual. This was not acceptable. Not acceptable for such a galactic, regal warrior as herself. Tears should not taint her eyes as they did now. Small droplets dripped from both eyes - reflecting the light of the stars and blending in so perfectly with the flecks on her face.

Body was lying with her back against the tall grasses. Limbs folded carefully against her belly as she stared straight into the night sky. Stars danced about beautifully and the moon shone brightly with all its radiance. Beside her, lied carefully picked Fly Agaric Mushrooms. She had never taken it upon herself to try these natural drugs; however, she has heard much about them in her former prison and had seen how they seemed to take away all of life's problems for those who chose to consume them. Mind debated heavily on whether or not to try the plant, in truth, the thought of it made her a bit nervous. But she was desperate.

A howl broke through her silent night just as she was about to flip over and consume the crimson plants. Ears perked up as she listened to the lonesome howl. Though, she chose to ignore its cry. Problems of her own were to be dealt with on this night and, hopefully, without company. And so the succubus turned to her left side, slowly sliding the plants into her maw. The taste was definitely not as delicious as a fresh killed fawn. She found herself gagging a few times as she forced the plants down.

She twisted so that she now lied upon her belly, head rested carefully upon her forepaws as she awaited for the drug to take its hold. Never really sure what to expect. A sort of calm began to wash over her as another cry echoed across the plains. She arose to her feet, and without thought, headed to the direction of the howl.

She was a bit drowsy, and everything seem to come automatic now. A trance-like state that allowed her to feel an absolute calm. A calm without worry or concern for tomorrow. A calm without a fear of death. And so eyes finally settled upon a figure that settled in the fields. No harm seemed to come to the gal, perhaps the moon's light induced the songs that poured from her lips.

Eyelids were half-closed and she was tempted to settle on the ground and let the gal sing her to sleep; however, that would not do. She carried herself to the woman's side and seated herself next to her. Marbled eyed blinked very slowly and often. Fireflies' glow seemed elongated - leaving really long strands of light that decorated the night in beautiful strokes. Life was seemingly in slow motion. And so she sat there, dazed, without a word, beside this girl she did not know.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts