
Tapping the Barrel of a Steel Blue .38


10-13-2014, 11:53 PM

ooc;; LAST ROUND <3 thanks for the fight mouse and best of luck! We agreed to ask Lunar to judge!!! thanks babe!

The pain was the worst across his breast bone, hot and pulsating beneath his flesh even though they had only struck each other moments ago. The extra bump Rune pressed against the tender flesh just forced the pain closer to the surface but did little to add to his current injury. But that was the least of his worries, Rune?s teeth would latch squarely onto the base of Kylar?s neck, just above his shoulder and teeth would sink into tender flesh. His attempt to change their positioning to each other would be thwarted, Rune dancing along with Kylar as he attempted to spin and reposition them to no avail. All the while Kylar would continue to thrash and shake his skull, feeling the vibrations of his own attack through Rune?s grip on his lower neck. He felt his own skin rip and tear beneath the grey male?s teeth but would not cease. All at once Kylar?s heavy paw would slap down on Rune?s back and Rune?s hind end would collapse to the ground. Kylar?s paw would slide uselessly down, claws coming through rain slickened black stripe but doing no damage.

He would attempt to slam his paw down as soon as possible so he could once again put his weight on all four paws. Rune?s teeth would release their earlier hold and then immediately seek another on the side of Kylar?s neck. It was too close to his artery? As soon as Kylar felt teeth release his neck Kylar would finally release his grip on Rune, leaning back onto haunches and praying his paws would not slip out from beneath him. Rune?s teeth would miss their intended mark and instead hit his chest, teeth scraping painfully against bone as Kylar felt flesh separate from his general mass. It was enough to scar and due to blood vessels being close to the surface of his skin there blood would immediately rush from his chest. But he had no time for that, Kylar?s haunches would attempt to unfurl at the exact moment, pushing himself forward in the muck and attempting to shove his chest as heavily against Rune?s nose and teeth as possible. Hoping to snap his neck back and cause some whiplash at least and maybe even bowl over his seated advisory at best. At the same time his skull would snake to his right, jaws flashing as teeth attempted to find a hold on the right side of Rune?s upper neck just behind his cheek bone, trying to latch upper incisors along Rune?s spine and lower incisors on the ridge of Rune?s throat.

All the while defenses would remain immaculately in place. His stance was widened, weight shifted slightly forward to try to add as much pressure as possible while joints loosened to lower his center of gravity and keep him stable. Toes would splay and nails clenched heavily into the ground to try and stop any backwards pressure from forcing him off balance. Neck was arched and chin was tipped down, protecting his throat, shoulders rolled forward to gather as much loose skin and fat as possible around his ruff. Hackles would remain raised, lifted to add any extra height and cushioning he could gather from them. Abdomen was tucked, spine arched to gather all his core strength to aid him. Tail was straightened, aligned with his spin to act as a rudder and help manage his balance to the best of his abilities. Ears were pinned to his skull, flattened against his thick scruff. Lips pulled back in a snarl to gather excess flesh around already narrowed eyes.


For Amarant and Colten of Secretua