
Take me away to some place real



3 Years
10-14-2014, 04:30 AM

Home. That word had never sounded so good. Once more they could retreat to some sense of privacy rather than all pooling together in one cramped den area. Unfortunately however Sorrel had come to realise it would be awfully tricky to actually have any real sense of privacy again with the damn owl that still chose to stalk him. Ellingham would venture off for hunting trips, a chance to stretch his wings but for the most part the owl had developed an attachment to the grumpy boy. How he had managed it was a mystery, Sorrel offering him no such return of bond.

Ellingham had flown overhead on the trip here, giving Sorrel some peace though the owl would settle now on a nearby tree to the group. One heavy looking branch lay at the floor and in a nasty wish, Sorrel wished Ellingham's perch would also give way to cause the bird to find another tree further away from the group.

Silently he would pay no attention to the bird and instead remain with his family listening to the exchange between his twin and their mother. The conversation came to a swift halt however at the arrival of another wolf. Sorrel could vaguely recall him, though the name only came to mind as the others around him reacted. Legend. Yet more wolves. He had dealt with a larger pack once before and at least he could avoid his aunts, uncles and cousins as he pleased not like Ellingham who still insisted on following him around like a lost lamb.

As if on cue the bird would move closer now, settling upon the ground at Sorrel's side. "Who is that?" The bird would enquire curiously. "An uncle." Sorrel would explain simply. The answer would surely suffice, Ellingham didn't need to know any more than that, surely by now he would be able to return to whatever life it was he had before, no need to bother Sorrel or any of the other Threar wolves.