
Oh I Believe In Yesterday



3 Years
10-14-2014, 04:32 AM

Frankly, she wasn't even close to being a pack expert and her family weren't either. She had been nothing but a wandering pup, abandoned by some crazy woman (who obviously was her mother) and here she was now at almost two years of age. She hadn't seen any packs and she knew close to nothing about their rules. There was a leader, yes, and the rest just followed the leader. There had to be warriors to protect the pack, hunters to feed the members and healers to cure the sick. Apart from that, that was her definition of a pack. But did she hold interest in joining one? Well, that would take some time to think about. She did have a home, but with herself and others always wandering off to do other things, was her rogue home really working? Was a pack the best option? During these last seasons she had been following and looking up to her older cousin for guidance. What would he say in this situation? Pack or rogue? Heck, why was she thinking like Dusk? This was her decision, not his. She was supposed to be independent and mature, not holding onto a family member.

What would she do in a pack, surrounded by strange wolves? Continue being a healer? But that wasn't the same. Running through unknown territories and observing the wildlife till sunset was different than sitting in a den having wolves after wolves to treat. She really need to think this out, and now was not the time.

"I've explored most of the west and a bit of the southern lands," She added with a relaxed tone before continuing to answer the male's question. She would state the truth, as that was probably best to say. "I'm thinking about joining a pack, but knowing me that would be a long think."

She finished with a small chuckle. Alright, so that wasn't the greatest of her jokes, and it probably made her look a little ridiculous, but she didn't mind.

Walk "Talk" Think
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]