
Where does the time go



5 Years
10-14-2014, 04:52 AM

Aslan would be the first to arrive, enquiring as to what was happening. "I'll explain in a moment." She promised the boy nuzzling him in return and encouraging him to go and sit down. He would do so, though she could see he was rather eager to get going and find out what all of this was about.

F?licien would arrive soon after, a surprising face to see appear given that he was no longer a Draft himself. Perhaps it was the lack of lessons, he was rather eager to learn. She would smile at his offer for help and give a small nod of her head in return. "Thank you, you may if you wish F?li. I'm afraid it's not the most interesting of lessons for you to jump into though, hopefully more will be started up soon." In order to progress the Prologues certainly needed more lessons, she would visit Sawtooth and Abaven soon she promised herself, check up on when they would be ready to begin lessons once more.

Varda and Herne would appear though there would be no signs of her own younger siblings. If they arrived perhaps she would have to start them off a little later in their search for food unless they appeared whilst she talked her own children through what they were doing.

"You three are getting big enough that you'll be ready to start trying to hunt for yourself before too long. I've planned a little exercise for you today to get you started with that." She would begin to explain. "Tracking is a very important part of hunting, prey doesn't just appear in front of you shouting 'hunt me' you have to look for it and so today, you'll have to look for your dinner as well. I've hidden it and if you want to eat, then you will have to find it." She would pause there and await any questions, if not well then they were free to start looking and F?li free to begin helping them as they needed it.

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