
Take me away to some place real


10-14-2014, 05:44 AM

There was obviously no hesitation to his presence within the group of wolves. Symphony as first to lash out, giving him tiny sister kisses, and he was just as happy to see her. Novella would then also turn, giving the same reaction. If he were worried about rejection, he would sure be glad that none of the energy was negative around here. Well at least about him because there were some sad faces hanging around.

He reached his nose out, poking at the sides of both his sister's muzzles and looking through the crowd that may or may not have acknowledged all the commotion. He was sure to eye all of them, including his nephew who seemed to be friends with a bird. But he would take a step back, looking first to Symphony and then to Novella, the pleased grin still held to his maw.

"I could not find Howl or Story." A strong voice was kept, trying not to show his disappointment through his grin. "I've tracked them here but have lost their scents a while back." He was suggesting that he was searching for them. And since he had found Song and now Symphony, his two older brothers were sure to show up, missing or not.

But instead of lingering on what was hurting him, he would roll his eyes around as if to "notice" the damage done to the land, even though he knew it was here the minute he stepped paw into the falls. "I'm here to help in any way that I can." He would offer, brotherly and friendly to those that may have not known who he was, or the same for him.
