
broken crown.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-14-2014, 11:28 AM

She was not kept waiting for long. It seemed that one of her sons had already made his way to these lands; what was he here for? What purpose did he have in coming so far East, away from everything they'd once known as home? Slowly she would turn as Caeto's scent flooded her being, sparkling sapphire gaze coming to rest upon him. He was silent, brooding -- he had never hid his emotions well, even when he tried, not from her. There was an obvious look of betrayal on his handsome features; she didn't have it in her heart to laugh, but she felt a vague amusement bubbling up in her chest. If anyone, his father had betrayed them. Maverick had fathered a litter of children with another, something she might never tell them. Not only that, but he had abandoned those children -- as well as the children he had fathered with herself. A slight frown would play at her delicate lips, ears flicking in anticipation. Her left one had been torn nearly half off, a reminder that she was not nearly as infallible as she had once thought. It was an even more strong reminder that blood meant everything. Azalea had been an Adravendi by name, but it was clear that her loyalty had not been with the family.

It was a stark contrast, that one tattered ear, to the rest of her appearance. She was relatively untainted by scars, her pelt a flawless white, gleaming against the light of the moon. Perhaps in the darkness her maimed ear wouldn't even be seen. She held her tongue for a long moment, watching Caeto as he slowly approached, noting the distance that he was careful to hold.
"Caeto..." she would breathe softly, her voice little more than a whisper, carried by the gentle night breeze.

A sigh of relief would sound as the scent of another son reached her nose. It seemed she had found a streak of luck today. Her gaze would shift, searching for Leo in the distance. "Leo," she greeted him warmly, a slight smile pulling at the corners of her lips, forcing away the slight frown that had begun to overtake her expression. "My sons." Despite the soft tone, her words were heavy with feeling and longing. Epiphron had missed them; they were nearly all she had left now. Slowly she would rise to all fours, moving to embrace Leo, inviting Caeto in with a gentle flick of her tail.