
Your mess is mine


10-14-2014, 12:08 PM

F?licien would shake his head sadly as his brother asked the question, a bit of a frown on his face. ?Not the slightest clue I?m afraid. I guess when the storms truly let up... Though there is no doubt going to be damage to fix. The herbs stores got horribly flooded too... So there?s probably nothing left of them. I can help you and mother gather more. I won?t really be much use in finding them, but I can certainly help carry them.? The offer was gentle, and a hint that F?li still longed to spend time with his twin, even now. It was kind of odd, really. Even thought F?licien was more adventurous than Sorrel, well... He hardly strayed out of pack lands. It made the boy wonder if he should at times, or if he was better off at home. Sometimes though... He couldn?t help but get the urge to make some sort of small journey. Just to discover more of the world.

But was he ready for that undertaking? His confidence had wavered as he grew older. He felt... Useless. F?li would shake his head, trying to dismiss his negative thoughts and just enjoy time with his twin. No life was forever... And with how close it seemed he came to losing Sorrel he wanted to cherish every moment he had with him. Tomorrow was never guaranteed. ?I was actually hoping you might be willing to teach me a bit more about herbs. I tried paying attention during mother?s group lessons but... I guess I?m better learning one on one.? He?d give Sorrel a bit of a sheepish smile. ?That is if you won?t mind. It?ll be some time for just us anyway. As much as I love the others... The current living conditions are a bit too much interaction for my tastes too.? He?d give a small laugh. Would that come as a surprise?