
Together Forever


10-14-2014, 12:26 PM

Ritsuka?s affectionate nuzzles were well received. Gods above how he missed her. How glad he was that they were together again. He felt like he could breathe. They were not waiting long, and as the silver woman would approach. No doubt by how she carried herself this was Athena, the Sovereign of Bevroren. She held the look of a leader, and as the words first left her lips, then his sister?s, Suka?s suspicions were confirmed. He would dip his head respectfully. He didn?t look his best, considering the nightmares and hellish time he had right before running into his sister again, but hopefully Athena could overlook that for the moment.

?Lady Sovereign, it is a pleasure to get to meet the femme my sister speaks so highly of. I?m hoping that there is little question as to the reason of my presence being here.? Ritsuka would lift his gaze to Athena, giving her a warm smile. ?I wish to pledge my loyalty to Bevroren and join my sister among your ranks. I have skills as a fighter, though I am a capable hunter as well. During my time in Tortuga I lead a pack hunt and held the position of lead hunter.? He was by no means trying to brag, simply give her an good idea of his skills. Though he knew that Glaciem, and perhaps Bevroren when it changed over, had been allied with Tortuga. Would she question why he left? Or would that be overlooked?

"Listen To Ritsuka," "Listen To Haruka," 'Read Ritsuka's Thoughts.'