
Dancing With Cinderella


10-14-2014, 12:29 PM

The calm of the moment was nice. It seemed his daughter had already forgotten about the special spot he mentioned, more concerned with spending time with him here under the tree. It was fine -- it wasn?t like they were in any hurry. No... Now was the time to be slow with life, to enjoy it and the beauty of the world. Kar had to wonder what was going on in her mind, but he wouldn?t focus on that. He could see a bit of confusion on her face when he talked of Zanire, but that was natural. His children had never actually met a bear before... And he prayed they wouldn?t for the most part. Most of them were not wolf friendly... Especially not pup friendly. He didn?t need his children getting mauled. He shuddered at the thought.

Mystic tried to comfort him however, giving a lick to his cheek before she hopped right up on his back. So small... She?d be able to do this for a while yet. Kar would give a soft chuckle, her presence a comfort in and of its own. When she spoke the male would close his eyes, keeping part of his thoughts to himself. She was too young to truly know what love was, but she would figure it out. Still... Her next question surprised him. He would consider the answer before he spoke, voice gentle.

?There were she wolves I considered pretty... But it is natural to have an attraction to others. However none of us developed anything serious, even a lasting friendship... So no... Not in the sense I believe you are asking, Mystic. I?m afraid your ol? dad hasn?t had a whole lot of interaction with other wolves in his life.? He?d let out a soft sigh. He thought of his mountain home. That was the last time he was around many others... ?...but your aunt found me... and I have your mom... Have you and your siblings... That is enough for me. We are a family, a small and unofficial pack, really.? Kar opened his lime-green eyes. ?Not all wolves like the whole official pack thing... But that is something for each to decide. Someday you, Ammy, and Naoise will make that choice too... And your mother and I will support all of you regardless of what you want.?

Speech, Thought