
Alive N� Out Of Control



2 Years
10-14-2014, 12:50 PM

A scarred ghost wandered forth, seeking... something. What was she looking for? Ullr, she wanted Ullr to come back, and for it to just be the two of them against the world. Yet, he'd gone off and joined that auburn lass' pack. So, now she was simply wandering. She needed someone to need her, and the only way she could find that would be to keep moving. Powerful paws struck the terra, and she drew further and further from the places she knew. It had been some time since she'd seen the family who had taken her and her brother from the old lands, and now she was even leaving the ones here that she knew. Ice blue optics scanned over the terrain, and she sought something to distract her weary mind from it's fixation on her brother and his leaving. She needed something else to do, and she needed.. something. The ghost still didn't know what, she was a guardian, and always would be. She needed someone, or something, to protect once more. Her brother obviously didn't need her, maybe he did, but for now she needed to get her head on straight and see what her other prospects were.
A figure made itself known, a titanic male with ebony and bronze markings upon his alabaster frame. The pallid femme eyed him warily, stopping in her tracks to regard him. Something was off about this one, he reeked of something that made her hackles prickle dangerously, and her teeth become set on edge. Slowly, she took a step toward him, crown lowered between her shoulders and her remaining ear flattened against her skull. Who was this stranger? What was wrong with him? Ebony plume would flick to and fro at her hocks as she cautiously watched the behemoth.
