
Alive N� Out Of Control



2 Years
10-14-2014, 02:57 PM

The male was quick to reply, smooth vocals meeting her ears soon after she posed the question. There was obvious pride in his voice, when he spoke of his plans. He wanted to build an empire, and that was something that Dyani was not always a fan of. The last empire she'd encountered had been that of her sire, and it was a abhorrent kingdom. There was rape, pillaging, and while that was to be expected, in her mind, it was apparently a bad thing. Not to mention, she and her brother had not been treated kindly, and that was reason not to like her home enough for her. He continued to speak of loyalty, and strength. Those were qualities the pallid wolfess possessed, though she was so chaotic and unstable that sometimes it was impossible to know that. The male continued, speaking of a place that could be called home to those who wished it. That was nice, yes, giving a home to those in need was always a good thing. Maybe she had judged this man too harshly upon meeting him. He asked something of her, as to whether or not she needed a place like that. In truth, she needed a home, yes, but it wasn't nearly that simple. His smile was gentle, and she relaxed, coiled muscles losing some of their tension as she regarded him. The scarred woman blinked at him, singular audit rising slowly.
He began to call out her loneliness, pointing out her lack of a pack scent. I don't need a pack to be happy. She thought to herself. It was not an outraged thought, nor a hurt one. It was simply a statement, a simple truth that rang out in her mind. The ghost needed nothing special to be happy, she just needed someone to love. She didn't need power, wealth, or anything of that sort, she just needed someone at her side. That was it. However, there was a chance she could not have that. Ullr was the only wolf she'd ever had, the only constant in her life, and now he was gone. He'd understood her, and there was a chance no one else could do that now. The male told her, in the same gentle tones he'd been using all along, that he was without anyone as well. She blinked at him again, scarred cranium tilting ever so slightly to one side curiously. Sometimes it's easier to be alone. This was another simple truth to her, that sometimes the only one who could be trusted was oneself. There wasn't always another one there to be by your side, it was something she'd discovered in the time where Ullr had disappeared.
Crown would rise the rest of the way, so she could get a better look at the masked man. Yes, something was off about him, but she was far from normal. Far from completely sane. Maybe she just needed to take a chance, and trust someone a little more. She could speak, yes? In response to his final, solemn query, she nodded slowly. "Yes." She murmured, nothing but a sigh of wind through leafless branches. It was better to be with someone, but that would never happen if she couldn't trust anyone anymore. A little voice in the back of her head busily nagged at her, reminding her that not everyone was safe, even though most had been so far. You never know.. She thought, and watched the male some more. "Maybe I do need a home." She murmured, nothing but an internal musing given voice. It was true, that she maybe did need this home. But, there was a whole wide world out there, and plenty of wolves to meet. Maybe she could talk Ullr out of staying with this Val, who he had come to adore in his own way. Perhaps Ullr should try things out for himself for now, I will always be waiting if he needs me. She thought to herself, though it pained her to thing such a thing. Optics of burning ice remained fixed on the male, waiting for what would happen next.
