
Third times the charm


05-18-2013, 11:50 AM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2013, 11:51 AM by Awaken.)

?The ebony brute strode through the battlefield once again. He just never learned did he? Two defeats in a row would normally discourage any wolf from coming back in such a small time frame. But, this was Awaken. And Awaken was as stubborn as a bull. He'd wait untill his lesions had mended and immediately go right back. Most would shake their heads at his constant trial and error, but no, he'd been determined to get it right.

His ears perked forward at the sound of a drop of water, splashing against the stones. The wind shaking the trees ominously. He felt right at home among the darkness and crows. The night sky shimmered with stars and the moon lit his path. The night was almost as caliginous as he was. Ebony on charcoal with slate grey foreground. They sky was stained with a few murky clouds that eclipsed the moon occasionaly.The masterpiece of war.

Now all he needed was an opponent to tie the picture together. The large boulder at the north seemed to have qualities of a good place to call from. He scaled the side of the slightly slanted boulder to stand on top. He resembled a stone statue in the night. The only feature that broke the pattern of the monochrome warrior were his emerald green optics. ?He tilted his head back, singing the song of blizkreig ?in the form of a baritone howl.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)