
My Misery

Twig I


10-14-2014, 07:24 PM

Dark delicate paws would carry the elegant she wolf from her den, she?d left the children with her husband. The girl would smile at the thought of that word, and at the same time realized that the pups were not pups so much longer. They were nine months old now, almost reaching their first year. It was amazing how fast they?d grown, but she was proud of them both. Though she did have to say they were much quieter than she?d expected. However she wouldn?t complain about the additional time she had with them. Leisurely she would find herself turning towards the den to see them, deciding going out alone had not been the best course of action. Then she?d hear her brothers howl. It was not often he called for her, when he had needs he came to her. This scared her though, there was a tone in his voice that caused her heart to jump and anxiety to sit within her belly.
Bright eyes would turn back to the sound as her lithe form followed suit. She?d been exercising more recently, giving the pups their lessons on hunting and defense. She was in perfect health as she leapt the opposite direction, rushing to Cru?s side. She?d navigate through the territory masterfully as she dashed towards the border where her alpha now stood. There was concern on her features as she slowed to a stop near his side. ?Brother?? She?d ask equally curious and cautiously.

I can talk!